Thursday, August 18, 2011

Get ur heads screwed on gov't!

Ok so some of u must wonder what I am referring....well I was on the way to the grocery store today when the radio informed me that groceries had gone up more than a half percent. REALLY!!! I don't know about the rest of u but as we have one income this really effects us.....I know we aren't the only ones either. Do they really think letting this go on is seriously going to be of any help to anything!? People are having a hard time doing anything fun or extra because of all the jobs lost, but we can live without that....what WE CAN'T live without is groceries for our families! I am personally outraged with these increases!
You realize that the gov't has given businesses incentives before. Why don't they give some incentives to lower prices...if they lowered prices more people would shop there adding more revenue to put back into the economy, they businesses would have more money to hire ppl thus also decreasing the unemployment rate........our damn president doesn't need those fancy vacations, million dollar buses...what he needs is to sit his ass in our white house and work on how to fix our problems!
Needless to say I can't wait for election time, hell I may vote for the first time just to get someone that understands how to run a govt and STAND UP FOR OUR RIGHT AS AMERICANS!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My Adventurous Night

So our night started out as a standard night. We were all at home and I was going to work on some articles while my husband went to bed. I was ok, until about 2230 when I started Dozing at my desk. Since that was not a choice idea, I decided to take a cat nap. This cat nap was not as I expected.

At about 0300 I woke up to the sound of a door slamming. Then I see my husband  with a crazed look in his eyes. As he saw me he broke down hysterically crying and started his trek back to the bdrm. I followed him trying to call him down and trying to figure out if he was awake or if this was another nightmare (perks of him being military). As he was lying back down I found out what the problem was. He had left the tv on and it was showing a horror flick. As he was sleeping he started to hear his name (also that of a characters) and then heard a woman screaming. Of course this concerned him, but it got worse as he realized I was not in bed. He never thought it was the tv, and so he went in search of his wife that must be in distress. When he realized that I was merely in the livingroom on the couch the relief flooded through him and became too much to consume at once, causing him to break down.

This episode made for one adventurous night, but it also made for a grand understanding! I have had my bumps and bruises in life, but tonight showed me without question how I made the right decision with marrying him! Not many men would hear his wife distressed and delve into action without a worry as to what terrible forces may be waiting for him. I have always seen my husband as a knight in shining armor saving me from the inevitable. But last night he proved to me that he his Hercules and that no matter what happens, no matter if he has no idea what is going on, he will come to my rescue!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My First Blog

Well there's lots to come forth! But this is a start to a great opportunity to dicuss anything from life to my own thoughts on the world! Look forward to entertaining anyone or no one but my own beautiful mind!!!