Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Well, last night I ended up in the ER AGAIN! Well, we started out with Labor and Delivery then went to the ER. Of course, we ended up finding out some VERY interesting information.....I was having contractions! Woohoo! NOT, lol. It's toooooo early for that and that was not what I went in there for. So, once we got all that sorted out, they sent us to the ER. Where the waiting game began.....

The ER was even more disappointing. Whereas we waited forever like usual for a bed and blood tests and such to be done.......we got NO answers. LOL. They don't know what is causing anything and there isn't much they can give me being preggo. They did find a slight UTI, but seriously that isn't going to cause the issues I'm having......That's what we felt was soooo fun about this place, well about ER's in general. How they can not get any really answers and just try to BS you because they don't know the real answer......

Well, then to add to my stress....My hubs was supposed to be home or at least available to help out today, considering I'm still in pain and nothing really helps. BUT the lovely military decided they wanted to put him on a 24 hr duty! Grrrrrr, SERIOUSLY! Don't get me wrong, I support everything and usually don't mind my husband pulling gaurd duty. But it is just really annoying when they know there is a situation at home, and yet they still choose to put your husband instead of one of the other 20 soldiers on it.

Just another of those things that you have to be careful with.....well, one of those things that you are forced to get used to with the military.......the alllllll inconvenient timing... :)

Monday, August 27, 2012


That's right, it's school time!! Well, for some it was school time a while ago. But, for us it just started today. :) I'm glad that finally my kids have something else to keep their minds busy, especially after the summer we have had.....School is a good distraction!

Only what is MOM supposed to do?? LMAO! I took my final for school yesterday, so I don't have to worry about that....hmmmm guess it's just house cleaning, grocery shopping, blogging and maybe finding something else to do in the mean time, hahaha.

OH, I know I will be making a baby blanket for my newest addition coming! I just haven't decided how I am going to be doing it. I have a design picked out, just haven't had time to start it yet. Now that I do, I will be able to see if it would be best to find a different design or colors or anything like that, lol.

If anyone has any GRAND ideas,  I would be open to any possibilities!!

Can't believe it's been 4 hours already!! My daughter will be home from her first day of Pre-K any moment!!! I'm excited to see how she does and what she thought of it! Of course, my dear son is in ALL DAY!! OH what to do with myself!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Hahahah nice title huh?? Never really left, just got to busy to keep this little page running. :( But, I'm here now and am hoping to once again keep it going!

Well, what news have you missed out on?? OF course there's the fact that our family is enlarging....hehehe :). That's right in about another 3 months we will have a newborn on our hands! That will be fun and interesting in and of itself.

As far as what else to write about....I don't know yet LOL. But, I will come back later once I find a subject hehehe :)