Sunday, September 9, 2012

An Interesting Game...

Unfortunately, my team lost yesterday :(. I have to say that there were A LOT of mistakes made!! I mean, it wasn't exactly a 'beating' persay, but it was pretty bad. We definitely could have done much better in both aspects of offense and defense! I'm hoping that today, the 49ers do a much better job!

Ohhhh has the fall season arrived! I LOVE this time of year because of the football!! The only sport I really watch. LOL. Without football, it just wouldn't be the same season. It will be especially fun when JD gets into it!! At least I hope he gets into it, he can do whatever he likes :). Ridiboo I just see being a cheerleader, with her LONG legs!! Of course, she is going to have to quit bruising herself first LMAO! That girl is attracted to bruises like huskers are to corn.........who knows what will happen, I still have quite a few years.....

Well, you know how my weekend is going with football games allllll weekend, how is yours??

Friday, September 7, 2012

Oh to Friday...

Will it ever cease? LOL! I guess not, that's why they call it life :). Well, today is another pretty iffy day. Woke up again with some spotting (TMI for some, I know).... but luckily it's nothing big. I just LOVE how they seem to think that everything is normal with all this pain and spotting, JUST because I am on my 3rd child! LMAO! But, we have our appt on Mon, soooooo maybe then we can figure out the truth!! Or at least get a lil bit of an answer!

Speaking of children, OH BOY did I upset my oldest today! He didn't tell me that it was 'free dress friday' at school today and neither did the teachers. SOOOO what happened? I sent him to school in his uniform. BIG MISTAKE! LOL.... he was so upset that he wanted to come home and change, but that would have made him late for school. The teachers tried to tell me that they didn't know until the last announcements, wellll I pick my child up last during the day. Sooo, they knew somehow because every other child knew! Maybe I should just send him every Friday in regular clothes......Hmmmmm.....

What do you think!?!?!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Just another day :)

Well, at least today is off to a much better start than yesterday!! My alarm didn't want to work and sooo it made us late, LOL. But, of course, us supermoms, WE CAN deal with anything! (Notice the caps? that's what I try to remind myself everyday!) Today on my list, is simply to finish the work I didn't get done yesterday due to my increased pain levels. So far, this morning seems to be a bit better, although I can't wait for my appt on Mon! At least then, maybe the doc can give us some more permanent solutions!!

I did learn something interesting this morning.....My hubs was watching the news and saw a new study that was out. You know what it said?? People who drink 3-4 cups of coffee in the morning, have less shoulder and chest pain!?! That is like, the exact opposite of what they have said for YEARS! I'm interested to try it though, considering shoulder and chest pain is my current issue, well one of them. I guess you never can really tell what's good or bad these days. I honestly think, if you just listen to your body, you will get better results than listening to almost anything else.....

Any thoughts???

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Darkside LOL

Well, it finally happened... I went to the Darkside and got an iPhone! Not sure what I think of it yet, other than it is very interesting and lasts longer than my android.... But the real trick is gonna be, can I keep my electricity issue from killing it?? So, I am on a mission to keep the phone on or near me as much as possible as a test! Ought to be interesting!

Good news is though, at least we both have phone that work now! My hubs isn't falling apart every minute and mine isn't missing phone calls... So far anyways...

Well, we shall find out in two weeks if my test works and if this iPhone is all its cut out to be... After all, androids are kind of going downhill at the moment with horrible reviews....hopefully that changes soon though!