Sunday, September 9, 2012

An Interesting Game...

Unfortunately, my team lost yesterday :(. I have to say that there were A LOT of mistakes made!! I mean, it wasn't exactly a 'beating' persay, but it was pretty bad. We definitely could have done much better in both aspects of offense and defense! I'm hoping that today, the 49ers do a much better job!

Ohhhh has the fall season arrived! I LOVE this time of year because of the football!! The only sport I really watch. LOL. Without football, it just wouldn't be the same season. It will be especially fun when JD gets into it!! At least I hope he gets into it, he can do whatever he likes :). Ridiboo I just see being a cheerleader, with her LONG legs!! Of course, she is going to have to quit bruising herself first LMAO! That girl is attracted to bruises like huskers are to corn.........who knows what will happen, I still have quite a few years.....

Well, you know how my weekend is going with football games allllll weekend, how is yours??