Thursday, December 29, 2011

Oh the military :(

As a military wife and daughter, I completely understand the military and what they are about. But, that doesn't mean I have to like EVERY aspect of it. I mean when someone signs that contract, they are practically owned by the government and only 'on loan' to their families. The don't require notices to be given, they focus more on last minute notices more than anything. NOW, don't get me wrong, I believe in all they do and all they are preparing for.....I just wish they would have more consideration for the families of the soldiers. I mean it's not like they get paid that much anyways, not near as much as they should anyways.

So, your wondering what started this rant? LOL. Simply the actions of our beloved system. Last minute changes again, that I am already used to and will continue to be used to.....BUT I will always voice my opinions and agitations, because that's just who I am!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Kids AND Cleaning!

Man!!! You know what kids NEVER realize!?! That if they would just do what they were asked they could play ALOT sooner! My kids have been *attempting* to clean their room since yesterday, we're talking about going on 24 hours (minus sleeping of course). It's not even that hard, just pick up the clothes and put the toys in bins....BUT they would rather fight it than do it! OH do I remember those days! Looking back at my childhood, I feel kind of bad LOL!! Anyone else with kids??

The funny thing is that they will help mommy do things, but when it comes to doing it on their own.....It's definitely a 'no go'.......*sigh*

Friday, December 23, 2011

Cleaning time!!

Well, the only thing that I hate about the holidays, is all of the cleaning you have to do! It doesn't matter if you are leaving or if you are having company over, you still have to clean, clean, clean! If you are leaving, you want to come home to a clean house; if you are having company, then of course you want everything clean for them.

The latter is our case, we are having family over! I'm cooking my first holiday dinner, and while my hubby is out with the munchkins picking up some last minute items, I am stuck at home trying to get the energy to clean! Luckily, we just cleaned the house a few days ago when we switched things around!! LOL

Well, spose I better get on my way!!! Lots to do before the hubby gets home from being out in this blizzard!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Oh the holidays...

Wow does time go fast! I thought it was just yesterday that we were spending Christmas in Albuquerque! But this year I am left to cooking the wonderful dinner! OH is that going to be a surprise!! I mean after all, I have never cooked this big or this important of a meal myself!! I think it will be interesting though, and it will be delicious! *Crossed Fingers*

For some though, the holidays don't bring the joy it should. I know, because I used to be one of those people. It is still sometimes hard to get over the past during these times. You just have to remember, that the past can be replaced by the future! You can make more memories! I still have nightmares and feelings of dread and anxiety during this time of year, especially when it comes to family around. This is only because there is half of my family that I can not and possibly will never get to spend the holidays with again. I just keep reminding myself that, as much as it hurts, it's probably for the best. I've only begun to experience life without drama and hate, without mind games and mixed feelings. You may experience these same things, but all it takes is one good friend or family member to make it better. Surrounding yourself with those that truly love you, is the only thing you need during this time. Even if you just call them on the phone because they live far away, all that matters is that they are with you in your heart.

All good things will come to those who wait! 17 yrs, 22yrs and 24 yrs are how long it took things to work out here, my magical numbers! What are yours??

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Busy, busy, busy

Well, with the holidays upcoming everything has been really busy! Not to mention my new job, so now I have 2 at-home jobs plus being a mom and a wife and going to school. Makes for a very very busy schedule. But, once you learn how to juggle it all, then it's not all that bad. Good news is, I am finally feeling better! YAY! They figured out I had some infection running rampid  through my body, which of course is never good. Only aggravating part is that it took 2 months, basically, to figure this out. Sometimes they even thought I didn't know what I was talking about. That was the most aggravating part, for sure!!

But now it's the holidays, only a few days until Christmas!!! I can't wait to see the excitement on my kids' faces, when they see all of the presents under the tree!!! It will be sooooooo sweet!!!