Thursday, December 29, 2011

Oh the military :(

As a military wife and daughter, I completely understand the military and what they are about. But, that doesn't mean I have to like EVERY aspect of it. I mean when someone signs that contract, they are practically owned by the government and only 'on loan' to their families. The don't require notices to be given, they focus more on last minute notices more than anything. NOW, don't get me wrong, I believe in all they do and all they are preparing for.....I just wish they would have more consideration for the families of the soldiers. I mean it's not like they get paid that much anyways, not near as much as they should anyways.

So, your wondering what started this rant? LOL. Simply the actions of our beloved system. Last minute changes again, that I am already used to and will continue to be used to.....BUT I will always voice my opinions and agitations, because that's just who I am!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Kids AND Cleaning!

Man!!! You know what kids NEVER realize!?! That if they would just do what they were asked they could play ALOT sooner! My kids have been *attempting* to clean their room since yesterday, we're talking about going on 24 hours (minus sleeping of course). It's not even that hard, just pick up the clothes and put the toys in bins....BUT they would rather fight it than do it! OH do I remember those days! Looking back at my childhood, I feel kind of bad LOL!! Anyone else with kids??

The funny thing is that they will help mommy do things, but when it comes to doing it on their own.....It's definitely a 'no go'.......*sigh*

Friday, December 23, 2011

Cleaning time!!

Well, the only thing that I hate about the holidays, is all of the cleaning you have to do! It doesn't matter if you are leaving or if you are having company over, you still have to clean, clean, clean! If you are leaving, you want to come home to a clean house; if you are having company, then of course you want everything clean for them.

The latter is our case, we are having family over! I'm cooking my first holiday dinner, and while my hubby is out with the munchkins picking up some last minute items, I am stuck at home trying to get the energy to clean! Luckily, we just cleaned the house a few days ago when we switched things around!! LOL

Well, spose I better get on my way!!! Lots to do before the hubby gets home from being out in this blizzard!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Oh the holidays...

Wow does time go fast! I thought it was just yesterday that we were spending Christmas in Albuquerque! But this year I am left to cooking the wonderful dinner! OH is that going to be a surprise!! I mean after all, I have never cooked this big or this important of a meal myself!! I think it will be interesting though, and it will be delicious! *Crossed Fingers*

For some though, the holidays don't bring the joy it should. I know, because I used to be one of those people. It is still sometimes hard to get over the past during these times. You just have to remember, that the past can be replaced by the future! You can make more memories! I still have nightmares and feelings of dread and anxiety during this time of year, especially when it comes to family around. This is only because there is half of my family that I can not and possibly will never get to spend the holidays with again. I just keep reminding myself that, as much as it hurts, it's probably for the best. I've only begun to experience life without drama and hate, without mind games and mixed feelings. You may experience these same things, but all it takes is one good friend or family member to make it better. Surrounding yourself with those that truly love you, is the only thing you need during this time. Even if you just call them on the phone because they live far away, all that matters is that they are with you in your heart.

All good things will come to those who wait! 17 yrs, 22yrs and 24 yrs are how long it took things to work out here, my magical numbers! What are yours??

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Busy, busy, busy

Well, with the holidays upcoming everything has been really busy! Not to mention my new job, so now I have 2 at-home jobs plus being a mom and a wife and going to school. Makes for a very very busy schedule. But, once you learn how to juggle it all, then it's not all that bad. Good news is, I am finally feeling better! YAY! They figured out I had some infection running rampid  through my body, which of course is never good. Only aggravating part is that it took 2 months, basically, to figure this out. Sometimes they even thought I didn't know what I was talking about. That was the most aggravating part, for sure!!

But now it's the holidays, only a few days until Christmas!!! I can't wait to see the excitement on my kids' faces, when they see all of the presents under the tree!!! It will be sooooooo sweet!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

very confused

Everybody wishes were something more. Some wishes are more valuable than others. But what really constitutes value? Is its money and tangible items or it is it something deeper? I have always believed that the most important factors are things you can't wrap each finger around. Unfortunately, the rest of the world (some of the world) disagrees and thus today we live waiting for the ability to live higher. We wait for that chance to not worry anymore, no worry about money or want to get everyone on our lists. One day the world will realize its mistakes, HOW FUTILE it has been. I can only hope, for all of us, that this will happen sooner rather than later...

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Well, the picture may be sidways--but this is what we did today! Among other things of course. We cleaned and rearranged our house! Then of course, got ready for Christmas EARLY!! LOVE the Christmas spirit and how homey it makes the house feel! More importantly, I was able to do it all. AND I finished one of my long awaited tests for my course!! THUS being Accomplished!! I may not be feeling the greatest now, but at least I was able to be a part of this with my family! My kids are excited, my house is warm, and my hubby is happy (he loves the spirit as well!)

Just goes to show, that even if you're not feeling the greatest, you can still get out there and do what you have to!

Getting ready.....

UGH, these last few weeks, make that month; has been crazy! Mainly because I have been SICK and had the promising doctors give me about 8 different diagnoses. Everything went down......Luckily, I have been able to slowly get back on my feet and start living (lol) again. Now, today we even rearranged and put up Christmas trees! And I'm hoping to get back on the ball with my schooling, I feel really bad that I haven't done much of ANYTHING on it! Truth is, we really need me to finish that! But, I spose I will get back to putting the Christmas cheer back into our house!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Everyone Caved

Guest post from: Bruno Smith

Getting everyone to agree to this move was a huge undertaking – it took me months and months of convincing everyone that it would be nice to live somewhere warmer. They all finally broke down though and so a few months ago we packed up everything and moved to Arizona. It’s nice because my husband and I can actually both work our old jobs here, me from home and him in their Arizona office. The kids love their new school and it seems like everything from enrolling them to finding a house to setting up ADT Security Arizona has been easy! We’re a great family and I love sticking together the way we do and I just wish there had been something telling me for years that things would get better. If I’d only known when I was 22 how great life would be at this point I would have guessed I probably would have slowed down and not worried so much about the future. There’s nothing like family to make you feel good about yourself!

Friday, October 28, 2011


Ugh! So, I am back on bedrest, look like a drug addict with all the nice holes from IV's and still have no definitive answers! Seriously, this is putting a strain on absolutely EVERYTHING! It's not just stressful to me, who can't do much without not breathing or being in pain, but also on my hubby as his work is not ok with everything going on.......After all, I should be able to fix this on my own, LMAO! They do not realize how the world really works apparently....

Although, a nice change in things, mom-in-law came down to help us! She is such an angel! I do have some trouble giving up control, but she makes it a lil easier when she uses that mom voice on me! hehee!

I really, really hope that they actually figure something out soon!!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Shopping, Shopping AND More Shopping!

When's the best time to shop? End of season, OF COURSE! So, what do you think is on my first agenda? Well, as Summer just ended--it's swimming suits. Not just any suit either, because I want to stand out for our next trips to the beaches. That's why I went looking for juicy couture bathing suits. They're site is user friendly and right now has plenty available at 30% or more off!

Fortunately, the same rule applies to my Summer attire! I have to look just as good in the 'office' or running around as I do at the beach. So, one type that I like to look for is London times clothing. They always look so classy and comfortable, that the style is a must have! You can't find a better time to buy than now, as the sales have hit the rooftops!

I know, I know.....What about NOW? Well, I definitely could use something new for my husbands military balls! They are a formal affair, and that's just how I need to look--formal yet sophisticated. Not a hard look to achieve really, but I do prefer to shop at certain places and for certain brands. One of my favorites is, Alex Evening wear. They're attire has a ride range of availability and fits most anyone's taste. Me, I am ever changing! LOL, that's why they fit me so well!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Medicinal Values

Ok, so we all know how doctors and medicines go. It's a 'hurry up and wait' game with no idea of what you're really getting yourself into. Unfortunately, there's no real answer to this problem, except to research. Yes, you need to research what's going on and prepare to speak with your doctor regarding the issues.  That's what helped me....

I've been on a medicine for 3 years and just started to have problems with it. No one really listened about it, so I did my own research and figured out that the medicine is what was causing the problems. It could completely rearrange my hormones, ladies you know how fun that could be! So, I got taken off the medicine....little did I know that would hurt me too....because the doctor didn't tell me about it.

I've now been to an ER and to another doctor with elevated blood pressure. All the ER did was give me some pain meds and orders to see my pcm(not to mention it took me over 2 hours to get in). By the time I get tomy primary doctor, they decide that I have an infection caused by the original medicine I was on. Only this infection has the possibility of making my body go septic if not treated soon enough, and this is only ONE idea. Now I'm supposed to be on bed rest to deal with the pain and taking like 5 pills a day.

Let me tell you....I'm absolutely loving modern medicine right now!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Outdoor Toys...Adventures Await!

You know, summer may be at and end, but here it is still PLENTY hot! At least, hot enough for the kids to keep playing in the backyard. Only, I think they need some more… inventive toys to play with. Things that will keep their minds full of imagination. Of course, as any Mom would, I went on the hunt. I think I have searched several websites, including Walmart and Target. But, then on a hunch I looked at a site I hadn’t heard of that had good games for kids. After all, that’s what I was looking for…

They had a lot of interesting toys. Some, which I hadn’t even thought about purchasing.  Including, but not limited to huge tents and a nice sand box. Now, I hadn’t thought of those because WE LIVE IN A SANDBOX! LOL! But, with as big as that tent was, I could manage to make it very, very comfortable for the kids. And, just maybe one adult; hehe.

To add to the fun, there is a jump rocket. My kids would have a blast with this, even from making it hit each other! Plus, it would allow some exercise, which I am a big fan of!

Well, I think I have looked enough today. Good news, I have made at least one decision on ‘new outdoor play.’ Bad news, I found A LOT more that I want too! HA the many joys of shopping!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

I love it!

Written by my friend Dong Wood

Fall is coming! I can feel it in the air even down here in the south and I’m getting really excited because it’s literally my favorite time of the year. We’ve moved across town since last fall and I’m really anxious to see how the leaves change differently and how the weather feels in this part of the city! I don’t know what it is about this time of year but I’m really looking forward to celebrating it in the new house – I think we’re almost done, I called about SATELLITE 911 and my husband got new gutters installed…all I’ve got left to do is buy a new fall wreath for the front door! I know I’m probably being silly but I think part of why I like it right now so much is because my birthday is in October and I LOVE my birthday so it’s really fun when I get to begin the countdown! I’m only turning 28 this year so it’s no milestone but I think it’s going to be fun nonetheless!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Who Knew!

Things are always going to be rumors in life that you wish soooo much to be true, but you have absolutely NO idea where to start? Well, boy have I ran into that and more. I really started thinking about it and realized, that there is more than enough time. All you have to do is commit. One thing I'm referring to, is the last few posts of trying to write everyday....AGAIN I have already proved how well I can do that.....But as of today, I have a new reason to.....after all the years of looking and working, I have found ways to be happy making money and doing it from home. It took me awhile to find this, a LONG while.

Perserverance, I can say that's what drug me's exactly the key ingredient your looking for as well.

More to come........

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Already Off To A Bad Start......

Well, on the 4th I said that I was going to try and write everyday, yet there was nothing posted yesterday! HA, that shows how well I'm doing! But, we were quite busy yesterday with no school, kids running around, no husband and working.............OH boy! is now my catch-up day, thus this.......

You know, there is always a difference between when men and women are women are good about continuing on with our work and dealing with the kids, while men on the other hand......well, you had better watch out, because if they aren't cranky they are just plain 'there' (as in laying around not dealing with anyone). What's worse is it's their job that makes them that way..............24 hour duty and only one day off? I swear they try to kill our men with depriving them of sleep just as a test.......But, the good thing out of this all is that, my good friend came over so that I don't have to wake the kids, if we go to the hospital.....and we are watching the Sons of Anarchy, not a bad show at all!

Yes, I understand some women are like that as well, I even have my days. I must say that in the very rare occasions that happens, my hubby takes very good care of me and forces me to lay down or whatever.  Just as I did for him today.........

No matter who caused the situation or what it is, good friends and conversations will always make it better!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

News And Goals

Oh it has been awhile and a lot has happened...from me finding more reasons to hate this place to just stress in general....first things first---the school systems are sooo big here that they lose their manners and their own rules apparently! I mean, when is it ok to change a kid classrooms without letting the parents know!?! They said that it happened at the beginning of the year, but still....we hought he was going to be with on person and put our trust in that...guess we will just have to keep a much closer eye on that from now on! The only good thing to come out of that hole situation, my son has a much better teacher!

Next on our list, I've found a nice legitimate job that I can do at home without much, of course it doesn't pay as much as others would but I get to be at home with my kids and be there to take care of them without the possibility of losing my job! Not to mention, I LOVE WRITING! Obviously, anyone that writes on blogs have to love writing of some sort....which reminds me, I'm going to make a personal attempt to write on a daily basis! As busy as I am, it may prove difficult---but, from my phone or my comp I will make the attempt! Lord knows that I have enough to say!

I hope to hear lots of opionons regarding anything and everything!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Get ur heads screwed on gov't!

Ok so some of u must wonder what I am referring....well I was on the way to the grocery store today when the radio informed me that groceries had gone up more than a half percent. REALLY!!! I don't know about the rest of u but as we have one income this really effects us.....I know we aren't the only ones either. Do they really think letting this go on is seriously going to be of any help to anything!? People are having a hard time doing anything fun or extra because of all the jobs lost, but we can live without that....what WE CAN'T live without is groceries for our families! I am personally outraged with these increases!
You realize that the gov't has given businesses incentives before. Why don't they give some incentives to lower prices...if they lowered prices more people would shop there adding more revenue to put back into the economy, they businesses would have more money to hire ppl thus also decreasing the unemployment rate........our damn president doesn't need those fancy vacations, million dollar buses...what he needs is to sit his ass in our white house and work on how to fix our problems!
Needless to say I can't wait for election time, hell I may vote for the first time just to get someone that understands how to run a govt and STAND UP FOR OUR RIGHT AS AMERICANS!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My Adventurous Night

So our night started out as a standard night. We were all at home and I was going to work on some articles while my husband went to bed. I was ok, until about 2230 when I started Dozing at my desk. Since that was not a choice idea, I decided to take a cat nap. This cat nap was not as I expected.

At about 0300 I woke up to the sound of a door slamming. Then I see my husband  with a crazed look in his eyes. As he saw me he broke down hysterically crying and started his trek back to the bdrm. I followed him trying to call him down and trying to figure out if he was awake or if this was another nightmare (perks of him being military). As he was lying back down I found out what the problem was. He had left the tv on and it was showing a horror flick. As he was sleeping he started to hear his name (also that of a characters) and then heard a woman screaming. Of course this concerned him, but it got worse as he realized I was not in bed. He never thought it was the tv, and so he went in search of his wife that must be in distress. When he realized that I was merely in the livingroom on the couch the relief flooded through him and became too much to consume at once, causing him to break down.

This episode made for one adventurous night, but it also made for a grand understanding! I have had my bumps and bruises in life, but tonight showed me without question how I made the right decision with marrying him! Not many men would hear his wife distressed and delve into action without a worry as to what terrible forces may be waiting for him. I have always seen my husband as a knight in shining armor saving me from the inevitable. But last night he proved to me that he his Hercules and that no matter what happens, no matter if he has no idea what is going on, he will come to my rescue!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My First Blog

Well there's lots to come forth! But this is a start to a great opportunity to dicuss anything from life to my own thoughts on the world! Look forward to entertaining anyone or no one but my own beautiful mind!!!